Sleep Education Hub

Professional Education
View our Webcasts, Clinical Compendium, or Modules to register for a specific topic/course with some offering credit hours.
Expert Highlights
Video interviews with experts on sleep disorders and cardiovascular/cardiometabolic risk factors.
The Importance of Sleep Disorders and Cardiometabolic Health
Tune in to hear our esteemed faculty members, Drs. Morris and Somers, delve into topics such as defining poor sleep, assessing sleep health in patients, and exploring the connection between sleep disorders and cardiometabolic health. (Recorded Saturday, April 20, 2024)
Dietary Sodium on Narcolepsy and CVD Risk
Watch Dr. Clegg answer crucial questions regarding the impact of dietary sodium on narcolepsy and CVD risk. (Recorded July 24, 2023)
The Impact of Sodium on Narcolepsy and CVD Risk
Watch Drs. Somers. Appel and Bogan discuss the impact of sodium on narcolepsy and CVD risk. (Recorded July 13, 2023)
Perspectives and Clinical Pearls on Idiopathic Hypersomnia
Watch Drs. Thorpe and Dauvilliers discuss the characteristics, diagnosis, and management of idiopathic hypersomnia. (Recorded June 29, 2023)
& Cardiometabolic Risk
Watch Dr. Zee explaining the burden of narcolepsy on patients with cardiometabolic comorbidities as well as significance of multidisciplinary care for patients with narcolepsy who are at increased cardiovascular/cardiometabolic risk. Recorded December 16, 2022.
Navigating the Diagnosis & Treatment of Patients with Narcolepsy and Cardiovascular Risk
It is now very well established that there is a close relationship between narcolepsy and cardiometabolic risk, which impacts both existing and the risk for future cardiometabolic diseases. Watch CMHC faculty Dr. Somers and Dr. Bogan discussing this co-relation, its impact of patient’s health and and treatments available to treat this condition. Recorded December 14, 2022.
Sleep, Stress, and Recovery
A presentation by Virend Somers, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine at Mayo Clinic, during the 2022 CMHC Integrative Masterclass. Recorded May 2022)
Education Archive
Select presentations from CMHC’s Masterclass, “The Intersection of Cardiometabolic Health and Sleep Disorders”. During this masterclass, multidisciplinary faculty discuss the links between common sleep disorders and cardiometabolic health, as well as practical approaches for screening, referral, or treatment. Presented and recorded May 2021.
News Digest
View articles and latest news related to the management of common sleep disorders
Resources and Suggested Readings
PDF Articles for you to download & save
PDF: Narcolepsy Overview and Symptoms
PDF: Clinical Pearls and Considerations
American Academy of Cardiovascular Sleep Medicine (AACSM)
Treatment of Central Disorders of Hypersomnolence: an American Academy of Sleep Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline
Cardiovascular Disorders in Narcolepsy: Review of Associations and Determinants
International Classification of Sleep Disorders - Third Edition (ISCD-3
Idiopathic Hypersomnia and Other Hypersomnia Syndromes
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Cardiovascular Disease: A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association
Resources and Suggested Readings
A collection of downloadable resources and important links.

PDF: Narcolepsy Overview and Symptoms
Provided in collaboration with Wake Up Narcolepsy. For more information, please visit

Clinical Pearls and Considerations

American Academy of Cardiovascular Sleep Medicine (AACSM)

Article: Treatment of Central Disorders of Hypersomnolence: an American Academy of Sleep Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline

Article: Medical Comorbidity in Narcolepsy: Findings from the Burden of Narcolepsy Disease (BOND) Study

Article: Cardiovascular Disorders in Narcolepsy: Review of Associations and Determinants

Article: International Classification of Sleep Disorders - Third Edition (ISCD-3)

Article: Idiopathic Hypersomnia and Other Hypersomnia Syndromes

Article: Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Cardiovascular Disease: A Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association

PDF: An Introduction to Sleep Disorders: Principles of Sleep Health (Reena Mehra, MD)

PDF: Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Coronary Artery Disease and Sudden Cardiac Death (Apoor S. Gami, MD)

PDF: Sleep Deprivation & Cardiometabolic Risk (Eve Van Cauter, PhD)

PDF: Disparities in Sleep Disorders & Cardiometabolic Consequences (Susan Redline, MD)

PDF: Sleep Disorders & Atrial Fibrillation (Tomas Konecny, MD)

PDF: Sleep Disorders & Type 2 Diabetes (Naresh M. Punjabi, MD, PhD)

Addressing the Burden of Cardiovascular Comorbidities in Narcolepsy: Strategies and Perspectives to Optimize Treatment and Outcomes
Slides from the 2021 Sleep & Cardiometabolic Health Masterclass
PDF: An Introduction to Sleep Disorders: Principles of Sleep Health (Reena Mehra, MD)
PDF: Sleep Deprivation & Cardiometabolic Risk (Eve Van Cauter, PhD)
PDF: Sleep Disorders & Type 2 Diabetes (Naresh M. Punjabi, MD, PhD)
PDF: Disparities in Sleep Disorders & Cardiometabolic Consequences (Susan Redline, MD)
PDF: Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Coronary Artery Disease and Sudden Cardiac Death (Apoor S. Gami, MD)